Castrul Roman -Turda/ Roman Camp
About Your Location:
The camp is the largest camp Potaissa legion with long service life in Dacia. The long sides (north and south) of 573 m and the short (east and west) by 408 m, giant rectangle that describes it fort occupies an area of 23.37 ha. The orientation and position, the camp of the principal prescriptions Potaissa military technicians of the era in which it was built. Thus Decumani is oriented towards the highest (to the west) camp is located on a plateau protected from floods and torrents, but plenty of good close to a stream. Plateau has dominance over the ancient city and the surrounding territories (absolute altitude 375 m), being built about 40 m, which allowed good visibility from camp to considerable distance. The road to the camp Napoca be followed by actual village right Aiton.
Despre Locaţie:
Castrul de la Potaissa este cel mai mare castru de legiune cu functionare indelungata in Dacia. Cu laturile lungi (de nord si sud) de 573 m si cele scurte (de est si vest) de 408 m, uriasul dreptunghi pe care-l descrie castrul ocupa o suprafata de 23,37 ha. Prin orientare si pozitie, castrul de la Potaissa respecta principalele prescriptii ale tehnicienilor militari din epoca in care a fost construit. Astfel poarta decumana este orientata spre zona mai inalta (spre vest); castrul se afla pe un platou, ferit de inundatii si de torenti, dar sufucient de aproape de un curs de apa. Platoul are pozitie dominanta asupra orasului antic si asupra teritoriilor din preajma (altitudine absoluta 375 m), fiind inaltat cu aproximativ 40 m, ceea ce permitea o buna vizibilitate din castru pana la distante apreciabile. Astfel, drumul spre Napoca putea fi urmarit din castru pana in dreptul actualului sat Aiton.
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