Teatrul Tony Bulandra Târgoviște

About Your Location: 
Tony Bulandra Theatre is an alive and kicking repertoire theatre, with a rich activity of almost nine premieres per year. It finds its reason of being in the need for Beauty and in the desire to offer it to the spectators. The aesthetic, the artistic Beauty which is above all human classifications, inherited ever since the ancient populations. Our theatre is a laboratory of transforming the profane elements in sacred ones, of elevating the being above being through modern approaches of prestigious national and international directors on plays from the worldwide theatrical patrimony. Here work young people for other young people, because they are the ones that experience each time the wonder of being. In search for contemporary texts and young dramaturgy, the theatre is trying to fulfil, through the tackled themes, the need of a community theatre, aware of the present social context. Tony Bulandra Theatre has a past, a present and a future. It places signs on the Time lapse in order to perpetually (re)gain the path to the Soul. It was founded on 30th January 2002. From its beginning and until present, the theatre has been participating with its productions in national and international theatre festivals. Moreover, Tony Bulandra Theatre organizes itself an International Festival of Performing Arts called Babel, that has reached the 6th edition and awaits each year valuable artists from all around the world to rejoice together through essential artistic meetings.
Despre Locaţie: 
Teatrul Tony Bulandra este un teatru viu. Își găsește rațiunea de a fi în nevoia de Frumos și în dorința de a-l dărui spectatorilor. Acel Frumos estetic, artistic aflat mai presus de clasificări umane, pe care l-am moștenit încă de la primii europeni. Este un laborator al preschimbării profanului în sacru, al ridicării firii mai presus de fire prin viziuni moderne ale unor regizori de prestigiu din țară și străinătate asupra unor texte din patrimoniul teatral universal. Lucrează cu tineri și pentru tineri, pentru că ei refac mereu mirarea de a fi. Caută texte contemporane și dramaturgie tânără care să împlinească, prin temele abordate, funcția unui teatru comunitar, conștient de prezentul social. Teatrul Tony Bulandra are trecut, prezent și viitor. Așază semne pe axa Timpului pentru a putea (re)găsi de fiecare dată drumul spre Suflet.
Location Sumary: 
City center location
Guarded parking
Live Music
Business Hours: 
L - D: 09.oo - 19.oo

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