Babylon Striptease & Night Club Târgu Mureș

About Your Location:
At Babylon Striptease you can enjoy from a cold good wine to a very good striptease, from pleasant and friendly conversation to gentle touches.
Even if every night is special, do not miss its uniqueness!
Babylon Club Striptease is a small paradise in the city of Targu Mures. Everything attracts born passion and erotic fantasies is done in one place.
Only here you will be fascinated by a beautiful atmosphere and most provocative dancer.
Let yourself be seduced by the erotic atmosphere of the club offered by Babylon in the company of exotic and erotic ladies. Every night between 10:00 p.m. pm and 05:00 am you can enjoy striptease, where more girls demonstrate their talents and fascinating body.
Private Striptease on request. Only here you will forget everything leaving you filled with hot atmosphere offered by the girls that we've seen only in your most erotic dreams.
You crave to return to the club Babylon to taste sweet forbidden fruit.
Despre Locaţie:
La Babylon Striptease puteti savura de la un vin bun, rece, la un striptease incendiar, de la conversatii placute si prietenoase, atmosfera intima si jucausa, la mangaieri tandre.
Chiar daca fiecare seara este speciala , nu rata unicitatea ei!
Clubul Babylon Striptease este un mic paradis din orasul Targu Mures. Tot ceea ce atrage, naste pasiune si fantezii erotice este realizat intr-un singur loc.
Doar aici vei fi fascinat de o atmosfera splendida si de cele mai provocatoare dansatoare.
Lasa-te sedus de atmosfera erotica oferita de clubul Babylon in compania unor domnisoare exotice si erotice. In fiecare noapte intre 22:00 pm si 05:00 am te poti bucura de striptease, unde mai multe fete isi demonstreaza talentele si trupul fascinant.
Striptease in separeuri la cerere. Doar aici vei uita totul lasandu-te cuprins de atmosfera incendiara oferita de fete pe care le-ai vazut doar in cele mai erotice visuri ale tale.
Vei astepta cu nerabdare sa te intorci la clubul Babylon , pentru a gusta fructul dulce interzis.
Detalii Locaţie:
Aer condiţionat
Zona centru
Plată doar Cash
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