Restaurant Richmond

About Your Location: 
“Twenty-five years ago, I started to work in the gastronomic exquisite universe. The experience that I have gained working in five stars restaurants from Italy, Great Britain and cruises(four and five stars) represent the main basis of the knowledge that I poses in the field of the culinary art, this way creating an unique style. The creativity of the chef is influencing the presentation of the dish as well as the mixing of tastes. All of these are leading to a maximum arising of an outstanding meal/dinner at Richmond Restaurant. Last but not least, this outstanding menu comes to satisfy your fine tastes . Richmond Restaurant invites you in a distinguished journey in the refined world of the culinary experience.” So we finish by saying: You know when! We know where! The answer is Richmond Restaurant!
Despre Locaţie: 
“De 25 ani sunt captiv universului fascinant al gastronomiei. Experienta acumulata in decursul anilor in restaurante de lux din Italia, Marea Britanie si pe nave de pasageri de patru si cinci stele, au pus baza si maxima siguranta pe cunostintele legate de gastronomie si arta culinara, astfel creandu-mi un stil aparte si cu totul deosebit. Creativitatea influenteaza atat prezentarea preparatului cat si combinatia de gusturi ceea ce duce la un apogeu maxim al unei mese servite in acest restaurant. Astfel, acest meniu spectaculos, pleaca de la respectul pentru client. Am transferat fiecare preparat intr-o calatorie fabuloasa in lumea bunului-gust, al rafinamentului si a excelentei culinare.” De aceea putem spune: Voi stiti cand! Noi stim unde! La Restaurant Richmond!
Detalii Locaţie: 
Aer condiţionat
Zona centru
Parcare păzită
Muzică Live
Terasă exterioară
Oferte speciale: 
Richmond Christmas Party 2016 Revelion 2017 Richmond Hotel****Mamaia

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